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In the war in Ukraine, there is "no silver bullet," meaning that there is no single weapon system that will change the course of events on the battlefield. This opinion was expressed by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in an article published in the magazine Foreign Affairs, which discusses the war in Ukraine.

"No single capability will change the course of events. No system will end Putin's aggression. The cumulative effect of Ukraine's military capabilities and a focus on what works are what matter," wrote the head of the Pentagon.

With this statement, he is likely countering those who call for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory using Western weapons.

He also indicated that U.S. authorities, contrary to numerous media reports, continue to advocate for Ukraine's victory rather than an end to the war through some compromises.

"For those who believe that American leadership is costly, consider the price of American retreat. In the face of aggression, the cost of principle is always negligible compared to the cost of capitulation," asserts Austin.

He stated that by invading Ukraine, Putin challenged the entire Western world, and "America's security requires us to confront Putin's aggression."

U.S. Assistance to Ukraine

Today, the U.S. Department of Defense announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $425 million. The package includes air defense interceptors; ammunition for missile systems and artillery; armored vehicles; and anti-tank weapons.

Prior to this, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the U.S. will provide Ukraine with a package of assistance every two to three weeks, which will strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine.