The replenishment of the joint investment Fund for the Recovery of Ukraine with the USA will be carried out through the budget, which will receive revenues from new projects that the Fund will implement in Ukraine, hopes First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko.
"In our vision, the Fund should operate in such a way that funds from new projects flow into the budget in the form of taxes, and half of these revenues go to the Fund," she wrote on Facebook, commenting on the bilateral agreement project approved by the government on Wednesday regarding the establishment of rules and conditions for the investment recovery fund between Ukraine and the USA.
The First Deputy Prime Minister explained that the logic is simple - investments come in, a new project is created, it starts generating budget revenues, and half of these revenues go to the Fund, meaning the Fund will operate effectively provided there are investments.
"These could be projects related to mineral deposits, hydrocarbons, oil, natural gas, and other extractive materials and associated infrastructure," Svyrydenko added.
According to her, the funds from the Fund will be reinvested back into the Ukrainian economy for new recovery projects, and after a certain period, when the Fund accumulates enough income from its activities, payments will be made to its members.
The First Deputy Prime Minister noted that during the work on the project, all limits on amounts were removed. "At different stages, various amounts appeared in this document. After prolonged negotiations, we eliminated all limits and anything that could be interpreted as debts," she wrote.
"In fact, all the details regarding how the Fund will operate, from when these new projects will start, what specific infrastructure can generate interest, when and in what amount payments will be made to the Fund's contributors - all of these will be defined directly in the Agreement, the work on which will commence after the signing of this document," Svyrydenko concluded.
She noted that the framework agreement approved by the government aims to be the beginning of work on a whole architecture of other agreements, which, as the Ukrainian side hopes, will include issues of clear security guarantees, continued defense, and other support for Ukraine.