Thursday13 March 2025

"Ukrnafta has announced a tender for 3D seismic surveys at two oil fields."

PJSC "Ukrnafta" has announced a tender for conducting field 3D seismic exploration studies at the Verkhmaslovets and southeastern parts of the Novoskhidnytske fields.
"Укрнафта" запустила тендер на проведение 3D-сейсмических исследований в двух своих месторождениях.

JSC "Ukrnafta" has announced a tender for conducting field 3D seismic surveys at the Verkhmaslovetske and Southeastern parts of the Novoskhidnytske fields.

According to the company's announcement on Prozorro, the expected cost of the tender is 256 million UAH (excluding VAT), with the auction set to begin on January 23.

As reported, "Ukrnafta" plans to drill approximately 30 new wells and conduct 3D seismic surveys over nearly 1250 square kilometers of land in 2025.

"Ukrnafta" is the largest oil production company in Ukraine and operates the national network of gas stations. In March 2024, the company took over the management of Glusco's assets and currently operates 547 gas stations – 462 owned and 85 under management.

The company is implementing a comprehensive program to revive its operations and update the format of its gas station network. Since February 2023, it has been issuing its own fuel vouchers and "NAFTAКарта" cards, which are sold to legal and individual entities through LLC "Ukrnafta-Postach".

"Ukrnafta" holds 92 special permits for the industrial development of fields. It has 1832 oil and 154 gas producing wells on its balance sheet.

The largest shareholder of "Ukrnafta" is NJSC "Naftogaz of Ukraine," which holds a stake of 50%+1 share.

In November 2022, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a decision to transfer the state’s share of corporate rights in the company, previously owned by private owners, to the Ministry of Defense, which now manages it.